Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage... er, say that again?

This treatment is a gentle type of massage, and is used to drain excess fluid from the body.

The aim of this style of massage therapy is to improve the overall functioning of the immune system. As we all know to have a healthy body that fights off many diseases you need a strong immune system. The method used in manual lymphatic massage is to make the blood flow around the body much better.

Drain away the bad and get the good flowing.

You may have seen inventions such as slanting boards or bodysuits that stimulate the skin and muscles, the effect of this is to get the blood flowing all over the body.

This makes the body stay young, healthy and fighting fit. This may be a niche therapy but there are many providers on manual lymphatic drainage massage in London, such as those listed on this page. More listings added every month so keep checking back.


Thai Kosai

Location: Near Liverpool Street Station

Website: / Tel: 020 7247 8495 / @ThaiKosai