Ayurvedic Marma Massage, also known in some circles as Abhyanga originates from ancient Indian healthcare and still works today.

The whole concept of Ayurveda is to do with taking a natural and holistic approach to heath care. The idea is that there is no point in just doing one thing such as yoga if you then go and stuff your body with fatty cake. This is a healthcare system that is thousands of years old and still survives and prospers today due to its positive results. Part of this whole holistic package includes massage, yoga, meditation and herbal remedies.

A Unique Healing System For Your Body

Ayurveda massage is a unique style and is usually performed by one or two therapists using a heated blend of herbal oils. They will massage the blended oils into your body which adds important vitamins to your skin. The massage will also feature certain yoga style positions and reflexology that actually make it very similar to traditional Thai massage. Meditation can also be brought into the massage session with the purpose of improving the recipients mental heath too. This whole therapy has become very popular around the world now and we strongly advise you to try it out. Many people who start incorporating the Ayurvedic activities into their life say their over all health definitely improves.